Educational Offerings
These educational offerings are focused on assisting clinicians with both basic and advanced education on substance use disorder treatment. Many of these trainings provide Continuing Education credit and fulfill requirements for New Mexico Medical Board Pain Management and Drug Enforcement Agency.
Click here to sign-up to receive NM Bridge training announcements through the NM Opioid Hub mailing list. NM Opioid Hub is a Health Care Authority (BHSD) program that sponsors, hosts, and facilitates a variety of no-cost substance use disorder trainings for health care workers in New Mexico.
NM Bridge Educational Calendar
This NM Bridge calendar has training topic, presenter, and registration info for the OUD & SUD Training Series, MOUD Overview Trainings, Special Topic Trainings, and Hospital Trainings. Please note some Hospital Trainings are for hospital staff only. Click the training you want to attend for more info!
Click here to go directly to the Google calendar.
NM Bridge: OUD & SUD Education
Opioid and Substance Use Disorder trainings offered through NM Bridge
NM Bridge Provider Education:
OUD & SUD Training Series
“Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Training Series” (formerly called “MOUD in ED Training Series”) is presented by NM Bridge team members, Dr. Eric Ketcham, Dr. Leslie Hayes, Dr. Brandon Warrick, Dr. Sergio Huerta, Dr. Snehal Bhatt, and other special guests.
- About: NM Bridge: OUD & SUD training topics include responsible opioid prescribing, pain management for patients with OUD, neurobiological basis of SUD, SUD patient case reviews, fentanyl and drug toxicology updates, nursing, therapy, peer support, and more!
- Audience: NM Bridge: OUD & SUD trainings are intended for physicians in New Mexico who work in acute settings but are open to everyone learning about OUD and SUD treatment!
- Continuing Education: NM Bridge: OUD & SUD trainings fulfill required hours for the Drug Enforcement Agency and New Mexico Medical Board Pain Management. Each training provides AMA PRA Category 1 credit for CMEs. These trainings also qualify to provide credit for New Mexico CEUs and CNE contact hours.
- Register: The OUD & SUD Training Series is every 2nd Tuesday and 4th Tuesday of the month. View the NM Bridge Educational Calendar to see upcoming trainings.
MOUD Overview Training
“The ‘Nuts & Bolts’ of OUD Treatment in Clinic Setting” is presented by Dr. Leslie Hayes.
- About: This training provides an overview of Medication for treatment of OUD (MOUD). It covers topics including the initial visit, buprenorphine induction, maintenance, dealing with bumps in the road, moving to a higher level of treatment, discontinuing treatment, and FAQs. An online and printable document with details about these topics will be provided after the training.
- Audience: The “Nuts & Bolts” training is perfect for anyone providing MOUD to patients.
- Continuing Education: This training provides credit for the Drug Enforcement Agency and New Mexico Medical Board Pain Management. The training provides AMA PRA Category 1 credit for CMEs. The training also qualifies to provide credit for New Mexico CEUs and CNE contact hours.
- Register: The “Nuts & Bolts” training is offered every other month. View the NM Bridge Educational Calendar to see upcoming trainings.
Other NM Bridge Trainings
Special Topic Trainings & Hospital Trainings are presented by NM Bridge team members, Dr. Eric Ketcham, Dr. Leslie Hayes, Dr. Brandon Warrick, Dr. Sergio Huerta, and Dr. Snehal Bhatt.
- About: These trainings are provided outside of the ongoing training series schedule to cover special topics for specific communities. A popular topic offered regularly is SUD treatment for pregnant patients. Topics rotate monthly and are also offered on a special request basis.
- Audience: Special topic trainings are open to everyone learning about SUD treatment! Hospital trainings are typically open to hospital staff only but are sometimes open to the public. Check the specific training you want to attend to see if it is a private or public training.
- Continuing Education: These trainings provide credit for the Drug Enforcement Agency and New Mexico Medical Board Pain Management. Each training provides AMA PRA Category 1 credit for CMEs. These trainings also qualify to provide credit for New Mexico CEUs and CNE contact hours.
- Register: View the NM Bridge Educational Calendar to see upcoming trainings.
NM Bridge Nursing Education:
MOUD Nursing Education
“MOUD Nursing Education” is presented by NM Bridge team member, Dr. Cindy Ketcham.
- About: These are live trainings with a strong emphasis on interactive learning and open dialogue.
- Audience: These trainings are provided to nursing staff at NM Bridge partner hospitals.
- Register/Continuing Education: These trainings offer 0n-site registration for New Mexico Nursing Board credit for CNEs. Recorded modules are offered below for learning purposes but do not provide any continuing education credit.
Nursing Education Training Modules
Module 1: Neurobiology of Opioid Use Disorder
Module 2: Medications for Addiction Treatment in the Emergency Department
Module 3: The Stigma of Opioid Use Disorder and Words that Change a Culture
Module 4: Opioid Use Disorder – Tools for the Emergency Department
Other Educational Offerings
Other Substance Use Disorder trainings brought to you by NM Opioid Hub
ECHO Programs:
“Medication for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) ECHO” is a Project ECHO program presented by NM Bridge and NM Opioid Hub director, Dr. Julie Salvador. Click here for more program information.
- About: Join MOUD ECHO for an education and support program that covers key aspects of prescribing with a focus on buprenorphine in clinic settings. This ECHO is more than a webinar but a place to ask questions and get free consultation from experts and peers. Each session has time for you to get support in treating your patients!
- Audience: This ECHO program is for prescribers (MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, etc.) who provide direct care and treatment to patients/clients with OUD.
- Continuing Education: MOUD ECHO sessions fulfill required hours for the Drug Enforcement Agency and New Mexico Medical Board Pain Management. Each MOUD ECHO session provides AMA PRA Category 1 credit for CMEs, New Mexico Counseling & Therapy Board credit for CEUs, and credit for CNE contact hours.
- Register: Session registration links are provided weekly to the MOUD ECHO listserv. Click here to request to join the listserv.
“Community Health Worker (CHW) & Peer Support Worker (PSW) Opioid ECHO” is a Project ECHO program sponsored by NM Opioid Hub.
- About: The CHW & PSW Opioid ECHO is a 12-week cohort designed to support the New Mexico CHW and PSW workforce in their treatment of clients with opioid used disorder by providing current education on the topic and recommendations for client cases.
- Audience: This ECHO program is for Community Health Workers, Peer Support Workers, Prospective CHWs/PSWs, Community Allies, and Community Educators.
- Continuing Education: This ECHO program offers a Certificate of Completion for a minimum of 8 sessions.
- Register: Click here to request to register for these ECHO sessions.
ASAP Didactics:
ASAP Mental Health Didactic
“ASAP Mental Health Didactic” is presented by the team from the Addiction and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) at University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH).
- About: Please join this online didactic series that is focused on providing fundamental, clinical education to assist professionals in working effectively with individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.
- Audience: Open to all! This includes nurses, case managers, therapists, medical providers, social workers, psychologists, counselors, and clinical therapy trainees and interns, among others.
- Continuing Education: This training series offers New Mexico Counseling & Therapy Board credit for CEUs.
- Register: Click here to register!
Didácticas de Salud Mental
“Didácticas de Salud Mental” is the Spanish version of the Mental Health Didactic presented by UNM Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health.
- Descripción: Los invitamos cordialmente desde Albuquerque, Nuevo México a una serie de didácticas en donde cubriremos temas sobre los problemas de salud mental y los trastornos por uso de sustancias, incluyendo tratamientos prominentes en los Estados Unidos. Nuestras presentaciones se llevarán a cabo el primer y tercer jueves del mes de 1 a las 2 de la tarde, tiempo de montaña (MST) y de Centroamérica. Estas didácticas son patrocinadas por el Hospital de la Universidad de Nuevo México y por el Centro de Opioides del Estado de Nuevo México (NM Opioid Hub).
- Audiencia: ¡Abierto para todos y todas! Enfermeras, terapistas, administradores, médicos, trabajadores sociales, psicólogos, consejeros, estudiantes, internos, etc.
- Educación Continua: CEUs
- Registro: Fall registration information will be available soon!
Other Trainings:
Serna Solutions: SOR Trainings
Serna Solutions: State Opioid Response (SOR) Trainings are presented by Serna Solutions LLC, a partner of NM Opioid Hub.
- About: Serna Solutions offers Coaching, Counseling, and Consulting for SUD. SOR Training topics include Ethics, Contingency Management, Community Reinforcement Approach, Motivational Interviewing, Clinic Supervision and Leadership, and more.
- Audience: These SOR trainings are open to everyone!
- Register/Continuing Education: Click here to visit the Serna Solutions: SOR Trainings event page and view registration and continuing education information.
NM Recovery Trainings
NM Recovery Trainings are presented by Health Care Authority, also known as New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD).
- About: NM Recovery is a one-stop place for all trainings brought to you by Health Care Authority initiatives like NM Opioid Hub.
- Audience: These trainings are for the professional development of health care workers in New Mexico. Criteria for joining varies per training.
- Register/Continuing Education: Click here to visit the NM Recovery Training Calendar and view registration and continuing education information.